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Smart Search
Smart Search processes your search query and looks for opportunities to improve your results.
This is primarily done through the addition of wild cards and/or synonyms to your search criteria.
When you select Smart Search you will generally get more results.
If any modifications were made to your search query you will be able to see what was done in the search summary line, just above the search results table.
We hope you find this feature useful. It can be easily disabled by unchecking the Smart Search box.
Please contact us as we can help improve your searches and your results.
When you want every word to appear somewhere in the resume, put your words in the box labeled 'All of these words:'.
This is equivalent to using the Boolean operator 'AND' between your search words.
If you want at least one of your search words to show up in the resume, put your words in the box labeled 'Any of these words:'.
This is equivalent to using the Boolean operator 'OR' between your search words.
If you do not want words to be in the resume, put your words in the box labeled 'Not these words:'.
This is equivalent to using the Boolean operator 'NOT' between your search words.
If you want two or more words together to be in the resume together (like "project manager"), put your words in the box labeled 'this Phrase:'.
This is equivalent to using the Boolean operator " (double quotes) to surround your phrase.
TIP: You can use the arrow on the right side of the option box to change what the search box will do. For example 'this Phrase:' is selectable by any of the first 3 option boxes.
The asterisk ' * ' is a wild card for the end of words.
For example:
entering manage will match manage or manager or management or managed; bookk* will match bookkeeper or bookkeeping.
Double quotes ' " ' are used to identify multi-word phrases.
This is where you only want a match if the entire phrase is in the resumes.
For example:
to search for a project manager you could enter "project manager" in the 'All of these words:' box or the 'ANY of these words:' box or in the 'Boolean Expression:' box.
Also, if you are looking for a sales representative you could enter "sales rep*" as your search term. You do not need double quotes for single words.
You should be cautious entering more than two or three words as a phrase, remember all of the words you enter within double quotes must be found exactly in that order within a resume for it to be a match.
The Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT are used to specify search criteria in the KeyWords box of the Quick Search interface.
We also support double quotes " " to group multiple words into a phrase, parentheses ( ) to group words or phrases, and the asterisk * as a wild card for the end of words.
The default word separator in the KeyWords box is the AND operator.
KeyWords are not case sensitive, so you can use capital letters or not, without affecting your results.
The Occupation Filter and the State/Province Filter are optional selections.
For example:
The following KeyWords: nurse OR RN will find all resumes that have either the word nurse or the word RN contained within the document.
The search: nurse AND RN this is equivalent to entering nurse RN as AND is assumed will only match resumes that contain both the word nurse and the word RN.
When searching for a Project Manager or a Quality Engineer you will generally get better results by using double quotes around the words: "Project Manager" or "Quality Manager".
These searches will return resumes were the two words are used together. If you entered: Project Manager in the KeyWords box, without the double quotes, any resume containing
the word Project and the word Manager, somewhere in the document would be returned.
Many of your searches will be more complex.
Here are some examples:
- (nurse OR RN) AND (trauma OR ER OR "Emergency Room")
- (insurance OR "financial plan*") AND sales
- (insurance OR "financial plan*") AND sales AND "series 7" NOT programmer
- ("Quality Engineer" or "Quality Assurance") AND (automotive OR manufactu*) AND ("QS 9000" or "QS9000" or "ISO9000" or "ISO 9000")
It is always best to select a State from the drop down menu to use in conjunction with whatever you choose to enter in the 'city names, area codes or zip codes' box.
In general, telephone area codes are a good method for limiting geographic results within a state. City names will also work but caution is needed.
For example:
If you are looking for someone in Los Angeles, entering Los Angeles in the City Names box will certainly work, However, many people that live in the LA area, actually live in one of the many smaller communities that surround LA.
They may not have the city name Los Angeles in their resumes even though they live in "LA".
Telephone area codes can mitigate this problem. However, using telephone area codes has the side effect of not finding resumes that are in the correct geographic location but do not contain a telephone number.
Sometimes resumes will have an email address but not a telephone number.
When entering a 5 digit zip code, assuming you have selected a state form the drop down box, we automatically truncate this to 3 digits and add an asterisk.
For example:
entering 78746 gets changed to 787* and we will return matches for any of the 100 zip codes in the range 78700 through 78799.
If you enter a 5 digit zip code without selecting a state form the drop down box, we automatically truncate this to 4 digits and add an asterisk.
For example:
entering 78746 gets changed to 7874* and we will return matches for any of the 10 zip codes in the range 78740 through 78749.
If you want a specific zip code or codes they must be entered with double quotes.
For example:
"78746" "78735" "78701". This will only return matches that are exact to one of those zip codes.
There are several ways to narrow the geographic areas smaller than those provided in State/Province drop down box.
Using telephone area codes as part of your KeyWord criteria works well.
You can also use city names and even zip codes.
For example:
(insurance OR "financial plan*") AND sales AND (312 OR 708 OR 773)
(insurance OR "financial plan*") AND sales AND chicago
Please contact us if you need help with your searches.
Email Us
1-866-845-4747 (toll-free)
Search examples
Keywords Entered | Search Results will Match |
Electrical Mechanical | Requires Electrical AND Mechanical: |
Electrical OR Mechanical | Requires either Electrical OR Mechanical: |
(Electrical OR Mechanical) Engineering | Requires either Electrical OR Mechanical, AND also requires Engineering: |
(Electrical OR Mechanical) (Engineering OR Technician) | Requires either Electrical OR Mechanical, AND also requires either Engineering OR Technician: |
Electr* | An * at the end of a word is a wildcard. Will match Electric, Electrical, Electronics, Electricity, etc.: |
"Electrical Engineer*" | Double-quotes around a multi-word phrase means the exact phrase needs to be in a resume: |
Electrical NOT Mechanical | Requires Electrical but must NOT contain the word Mechanical: |
Electrical NEAR4 Engineer | Requires Electrical AND Engineer within 4 words of each other: |
Need help? Please contact us: 866-845-4747
Location examples
Location Entered | Search Results will Match |
78701 | Zip Code, also select radius |
78701 | Zip Code, also select radius |
M5G 1R3 | Canadian Postal, also select radius |
Austin, TX | City, State, also select radius |
Texas | Entire State |
TX | Entire State |
Ontario | Entire Province |
USA | Entire USA |
Canada | All Canada |
Australia | A Specific Country |
Foreign | All Non-North America |
Need help? Please contact us: 866-845-4747
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